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Barbara Petri, Dipl.-Ing. Architect RWTH SIA
Barbara Petri, born in Rheinhausen (Germany). Studied architecture at RWTH Aachen with a diploma under Gottfried Böhm with an exchange year at ETH Zurich under Giancarlo Durisch. 2 years of office work at OM Ungers in Frankfurt. From 1982 worked as an architect in Zurich and St. Gallen. Shared office with Markus Schaefle from 1985 to 1988. 12 years as a teaching assistant in design and construction at the ETHZ with Prof. Herbert Kramel, 10 years as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart and 5 years as a lecturer at the Zurich University of Technology ZHAW. Partner and guide at ARCHiTOUR since 2005.
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